We equip allies
by teaching everyday people how to identify, prevent and respond to gender-based violence.
WomanACT in the Workplace
One in three workers have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
It’s possible that one-third of your team has—or might one day—be grappling with this issue. You should know how to respond.
Addressing violence effectively advances equity in your workplace and works towards system change. Our consultants are subject-matter experts, skilled facilitators, and policy specialists.
of survivors have been at or near work when gender-based violence occurred meaning the experience spills over into the majority of workplaces.
Estimated losses to Canadian employers annually, from intimate partner violence, illustrating the direct connection between inaction and loss of profit & productivity, for businesses like yours.
GBA+ is an analytical tool for developing responsive and inclusive policies, programs, and initiatives. It provides an intersectional analysis that goes beyond gender to consider factors such as age, disability, ethnicity, and more, ensuring diverse needs are met and barriers are mitigated. This framework ensures that gender and other identity factors are considered in developing and implementing workplace strategies.
A trauma-informed approach recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and aims to create environments that prevent re-traumatization. This approach considers the links between racism, trauma, and systemic inequities, particularly for Indigenous, Black, and Racialized women. It aims to create a safe environment where employees feel supported and understood.
The ARAO framework actively identifies and opposes racism and oppression in all forms. It involves implementing policies and practices that promote equity and justice, ensuring that all workplace practices are inclusive and fair to all employees, regardless of their background.
About Us:
With over 25 years of expertise in the anti-violence domain, WomanACT is your trusted partner, collaborator, and resource expert. Our consultants are skilled facilitators, policy specialists, and subject-matter authorities. We equip teams with both the insights and practical tools to effectively combat gender-based violence in the workplace. We provide tailored consulting services on gender-based violence, spanning from training and strategic formulation to corporate coaching and actionable transformation. Your journey to a safer and more inclusive workplace starts here.