We engage survivors

of gender-based violence so their voices and perspectives inform programs and policies.

Engaging with women with lived experience of gender-based violence is central to WomanACT’s work. We believe that survivors’ personal experiences of systemic barriers are key to creating solutions to overcome them. That’s why we engage survivors in research, public policy processes and decision making.


survivors engaged in research & policy in 2023/2024


survivors trained in community-based research in 2023/2024


consultations with community organizations, members and survivors in 2023/2024

Why engage with us

Inform Programs & Policy

Use your experience and expertise to provide input into policies and programs that matter to you.

Develop Research Skills

Participate in community-based research workshops, training and capacity building.

Generate Evidence

Use your experience to increase the data available on gender-based violence and gender inequality issues.

Create Solutions

Engage in the development of solutions and join decision-making spaces in your community.

How to engage

WomanACT engages women with lived experience of violence in community-based research. This includes participation in interviews, focus groups and online surveys.

WomanACT trains and supports women with lived experience of violence to be Community Researchers. Community Researchers work closely with the WomanACT team to conduct research, analyze data and engage in knowledge mobilization.

WomanACT trains and supports women with lived experience of violence to be Project Advisors. Project Advisors work closely with the WomanACT team to inform project design, implement project activities and engage community partners.

Sign up to hear about research, training and advocacy opportunities.

WomanACT is a trauma-informed organization. We create collaborative spaces for staff, partners and community members to share knowledge and participate in decision making. Survivor engagement has shown to increase the relevance and reach of our work, and creates outcomes for survivors, such as increased confidence and social inclusion. We offer training, support and compensation for all activities.