IN CRISIS? 866 863 0511
Type of Organization:Non-ProfitCharityAssociationBusinessInstitutionOther [group group-org-type clear_on_hide][/group]
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Select Membership Type1 – 15 FTE employees - $100 CAD16 – 30 FTE employees - $200 CAD31 – 50 FTE employees - $400 CAD51 + FTE employees - $700 CADMy organization will apply to waive this year’s Membership Fee
I am committed to furthering WomanACT's Vision, Mission and Values
NOTE: You will now be redirected to a payment page offering you the option to use a credit card, a debit card or Pay Pal account. To submit your payment using an e-transfer option, please use the following email:
Please leave this field empty.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a WomanACT member. As a WomanACT member, you are committed to further WomanACT’s Vision, Mission, and Values Statements. The following questions will help us assess your membership request. The information collected will remain confidential.
1. How did you originally learn about WomanACT
2. Tell us about your interest in joining WomanACT Membership:
3. Tell us about your current or past experiences that could be interpreted as supportive of our Mission, Vision or Values. Please provide specific examples that may apply.
4. Which of the following are you currently participating or have participated in the past? Please select all that apply and provide a brief example of your participation.
General discussions about identifying issues faced by victims of violence.
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Contribute to discussions about policy development, systemic change, and mobilization.
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5. What do you hope you will gain from joining WomanACT’s Membership?
6. Do you have any other comments you would like you to add to this application?
Select Membership Type Individual membership - $125 CADIndividual with lived experience of Gender Based Violence - No FeeWomanACT Volunteers - No FeeRetired individual - $80 CADStudent - $60 CAD
Type of Organization:Government OrganizationPublic Organization
Select Membership TypeIndividual membership - $125 CADIndividual with lived experience of Gender Based Violence - No FeeWomanACT Volunteers - No FeeRetired individual - $80 CADStudent - $60 CAD
I would like to receive communications from the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto. I understand I can withdraw my consent at anytime.