Gender inequities still persist across the City of Toronto. Women, girls, trans and non-binary individuals face higher rates of violence and continue to be murdered by their partners and ex-partners at a substantially higher rate than men. Women are more likely to be unemployed, in precarious work and still make less money than their male counterparts. And yet, they make up 52% of the population. The experience of being a Torontonian is indeed gendered, and these experiences are further impacted by race, immigration status, disability, sexuality and socio-economic status.
Despite a long history of women’s policy advocacy, the idea that women’s interests should be incorporated into the policy process is still relatively new. Integrating an intersectional gender analysis to policies, services and programs requires dedicated time, resources, capacity building, constant community engagement as well as a willingness for change. Our deputation to the Executive Committee reinforced the need for a Gender Equity strategy across the City of Toronto.