We are excited to publish our new research into financial abuse as a form of intimae partner violence in the Toronto area: Hidden in the Everyday.
Over the last 18 months, WomanACT has been working with the University of Guelph to explore women’s experiences of financial abuse in the Toronto area. Hidden in the Everyday draws on qualitative data gathered through surveys and focus groups with service providers and in-depth interviews with survivors. Our research spoke to survivors and service providers about their experiences and impacts of financial abuse as well as the challenges in confronting it and the opportunities to prevent and address it.
Our research found that financial abuse is common, difficult to identify, often accompanied by other forms of abuse and can continue even after the relationship has ended. Our research has also made key recommendations to further the exploration, prevention and response to financial abuse. Our research recommendations include:
- More research and data on financial abuse as a form of intimate partner violence in Canada;
- Increase awareness of financial abuse;
- Develop targeted policies, programs and practices that provide financial services and support for survivors.
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