We support: Childcare NOW! Coalition

October 22, 2019

Over the last several decades, an increase in the number of dual-earner and single families across Canada has steadily risen the demand for affordable, quality childcare. Close to half (46%) of the Canadian population relies on childcare, and this number is expected to increase as more parents become dual-earners. Significantly, the availability of open, affordable child care options has not grown parallel to its demand. Across Canada, “776,000 children live in communities where at least three children are competing for one spot in a licensed daycare” (Macdonald, Friendly, 2019). Without access to child care, parents are unable to return to work and in many instances, women exit the workforce to care for children.  

Canadians are in desperate need of a publicly funded and managed child care strategy that is affordable, high quality, accessible and inclusive. We think you should support the Affordable Child Care for All Plan:

  • Allocate $1 billion for child care transfers to the provinces and territories in the first federal budget after the 2019 federal election, adding an additional $1 billion each year to make affordable child care a reality for all by 2030; 
  • Attach conditions to these federal transfers to ensure that the funds are used to expand not-for-profit licensed child care, make it affordable for all families, and improve its quality; 
  • Pass federal legislation to ensure quality child care becomes and remains accessible to all families in Canada;  
  • Work with the provinces and territories, Indigenous communities, and the child care sector, to put in place a workforce strategy to improve the wages and working conditions of the child care workforce, and to address the crisis in recruitment and retention of qualified early childhood educators. 
  • Investments in child care are the surest way to grow the economy, promote gender equality, increase women’s labour force participation and enhance children’s well-being through quality care.  

As illustrated above, nine provinces and all territories across Canada are failing to meet the average need of childcare. Without federal intervention, many families will not have access to licensed establishments and the unmet childcare need of 24.51% will continue to grow wider if left unaddressed. 

Across Canada, only one province, Quebec has enough space to accommodate 50% of young people aged 0-12, surpassing the national average. Affordable, high quality childcare benefits everyone. 


  1. A well-educated and trained childcare sector allows for the enhanced development of our young minds, intellectually, cognitively, socially and physically setting learning opportunities for lifelong success  
  2. An investment in childcare drives growth within two industries  
  3. The childcare sector will create new jobs to fill the need for additional or new childcare spaces   
  4. The infrastructure sector will see a significant investment into the number of expansion and new establishments projects  
  5. For parents, it allows opportunities to contribute to the economic sector, by continuing to maintain jobs while raising families and reduces their reliance or risk of reliance on social welfare. When Canadians can support themselves, they contribute into the growth of the economy   

    Show your support at: https://timeforchildcare.ca/about-us/ 

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